Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Back in the Game

Well, that didn't take long. The dev blogs started to look promising again, and I was missing the spaceships, so I decided to resub for three months and see how it goes with the winter expansion. There's still quite a few bugs that aren't being fixed, or talked about by the devs, so my time in EvE may be limited to the end of the current subscription. Already the random disconnect bug has cost me my first pod. Ships I don't mind losing, but my pod, my god my pod.

One of the really annoying things about EvE is that it seems to be very sensitive to dropped packets and, to me at least, has a hair-trigger OMGWTF get-the-hell-out response to them. I had been running three clients on one machine, before I unsubed them all, and would have one drop out (lost contact with server) but the others remain connected*. It was always the one that seemed to be talking to the server, or busy doing something, so it would drop at very important times. Like when I was being shot at, or trying to swap ships in the orca. Or trying to align a ship that's going to explode so I can get the pod out. 

That's what happened this time. My 'geddon was going down fast, so I right click in space as the armor gets to about 50% to get an align on a celestial somewhere. As the mouse hovers over 'planets' in the menu I hear the armor alarm go. Then, black screen and disconnected. I finally get logged back in to find I'm in my clone station. Yea me... podded by a Hurricane!?!? It took a few days to realize that, yes, that was the first time I've lost a pod, on TQ, since I started playing.

All the talk recently about all the things that are 'broken' in EvE, from FW to 0.0, there isn't much mention of the annoyances. The basic things that need to work so you can even get to the broken FW. These are the things, that if they don't get fixed, will eventually drive me away from the game. So here's hoping that along with the changes to SCs, and bringing back ship spinning, they get to fixing the little things that need to work in order for me to be able to actually play the game. They've got three months, I hope they can make it count.

*This is one of the problems that came up after the Incarna update. There are others, but I really feel that, lost in all the monocle-gate hubbub, was the fact that Incarna was a buggy release. For me at least, it marked the beginning of my "don't know what to do 'cause it's too broken to fight" phase, which eventually led to my unsubbing my accounts.